After finding several cool, retro comforter sets I began to wonder how to build more retro peace sign presence in my decorating projects. As I have mentioned before, there is more and more evidence that a slightly modern 60s flower power frame of mind is creeping into this decade.

While I’m not wild about tie dyed fabrics or psychedelic black light posters of Jimi Hendrix decorating the walls of my own bedroom, I would be crazy not to enjoy jumping in the time machine and looking through vintage decorating magazines at the pictures and reading the articles filled with the funky decorating ideas from the days when hippies were having their heyday.

One theme that repeats itself in practically every photo is all of the different varieties of retro peace signs on the walls. A few stood out because of their unique design and method of display. For instance, one colorful decoration I plan to file in my flower power bedroom decorating folder for use later is so GROOVY!

First I will cut the heads off of large silk daisies (think Gerbera) and then I will stick the daisy blossoms on the wall of the bedroom in the shape of a large peace sign using adhesive. The cool thing about this is that I can hand pick the colors according to the retro peace sign comforter sets that my customer has selected to decorate her room.

I could easily find some vinyl flower power and tie-dyed peace sign wall stickers but I would not have as much control over the color scheme plus the decals are one dimensional rather then the eye popping 3D look that the artificial flowers give me. I’m beginning to really get why flower children loved those flowers and peace signs! To see more Tween and Teenage Girl Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas that will take you back to the fun and carefree days of peace, love and rock and roll.

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