The gossip rags change their spots very little in the latest Naughty vs. Nice numbers. OK! is still slightly nicer than People, and the Three Wicked Step Sister tabloids still lead the way in percentage of negative stories. The only noticeable change is that it's no longer a race for nastiest tabloid, as the Enquirer is leaving both the Globe and the low rent Examiner in the dust. Here are the numbers.
- OK! 65% down from 68%
- People 65% unchanged (64.8% rounded to nearest tenth of a percent)
- Us Weekly 54% up from 53%
- Life & Style 51% unchanged
- In Touch 34% unchanged
- Sun 29% up from 28%
- Star 23% up from 22%
- Examiner 14% down from 15%
- Globe 12% up from 11%
- Enquirer 9% down from 10%