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Birthday Today - Henry V

Henry V, King of England, was born today in 1386.   Henry V is, of course, best known for his great victory at Agincourt, lionized in Shakespeare's great trilogy of plays, Henry IV, Part One, Henry IV, Part Two, and Henry V.   The greatness of the plays, to me, is the interplay between Prince Hal (Henry IV) and his friend, the fat drunkard, Falstaff.   Falstaff is one of the great literary creations -- a liar, a drunkard, a thief, and yet a true friend and an embodiment of the comic energy, the joie de vivre, that makes life worth living. 

Anyway, here is the speech I read to the Regular Son in the middle of the night when he was just weeks old, stupidly thinking that hearing my voice would calm him down.   (It still doesn't work.)

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