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Switching to Tumblr

Hi my friends.  I've gone and switched to tumblr.  All the cool kids are doing it and to be honest after playing with it a bit, I can see why.  It's snazzy and seamlessly works between all the various social media.  So this blog will remain here for history's sake, but from now on you can find me:

Andrew Garfield + The Goonies = SWOON

In the new edition of W Magazine my current crush, Andrew Garfield, says this:

"I found The Goonies very inspiring. I identified with every character: Mikey, the leader; Mouth, the trickster; Data, the inventor; and Chunk, this lovely, beautiful, sad, misunderstood, slightly larger kid. The Goonies is boys needing to be boys on their path to manhood. It’s a classic."

And my crush grows.

The Jay Cutler Debate

If you pay any attention to sports and the NFL, the big debate right now if over Jay Cutler and if he could have returned to play against the Packers on Sunday in the NFC Championship game after injuring his knee. During the game, very little information was given out about the severity of the injury, causing many current NFL players and those in the media to question Cutler's toughness and desire. Yesterday, a MRI revealed that Cutler had a Grade II sprain of the medial collateral ligament (MCL) of his left knee. A while back, I blogged about MCL injuries and more specifically, Troy Polamalu's MCL sprain. With a grade II MCL sprain, there is some tearing of the fibers of the ligament, which would result in a great deal of pain and loss of stability to the medial side of the knee. Since it was Cutler's left knee, and he is right handed, it would be exposed when he is throwing the ball and susceptible to further injury. The knee was also examined by the team's athletic trainers and doctors, and they determined he did not need to play. In my professional opinion, it would be very difficult for a quarterback to play after immediately sustaining a grade II MCL sprain. Some stories have come out that Drew Brees played this season with an injured MCL. One, we do not know the severity of the injury, and two, I am sure Brees received extensive treatment during the week before Sunday and was properly taped and braced for the games. I think many people do not like Jay Cutler, and they just wanted to pile on him. I have no personal like or dislike towards Cutler, but it would be difficult for any player, especially a quarterback, to play immediately after suffering a grade II MCL sprain.

The Town - Movie Review

Ok, I just don't get it. Why did this movie get so much praise? A 94% Fresh rating on Did we watch the same movie? I can't even properly review this, so I'm just going to bullet point it:
  • Implausible plot - I'm sorry, but I just didn't believe it.  There is no way that criminals that are supposed to be so good at evading the FBI could be this dumb.
  • Terrible acting or overacting - Seriously, what was Jon Hamm thinking?  "Oh I get to NOT be Don Draper so I better chew as much scenery as possible so people can see that I CAN not be Don Draper."  He was laughably bad.  Blake Lively and Jeremy Renner overacted too.  Ben didn't overact, but he didn't act very well.  The best of the whole bunch was the late, great Pete Postlethwaite.
  • Cheeseball dialogue - Mainly spewed out by Jon Hamm.  I guess they decided that the cheesiest actor could have the cheesiest lines like this one, "This is the not fucking around crew so get me something that looks like a print because this not fucking around thing is about to go both ways."
  • My favorite line in the entire movie?  When Jon Hamm says to Rebecca Hall's character after the lightbulb goes off that she warned Ben Affleck away, "You know we are a NATIONAL organization."  WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN???  So what, she can't fool you guys because you're a NATIONAL organization?  Dumbest line EVER.
So yeah, all in all I thought this film was terrible and I am completely baffled by the attention it got last year. The seeds of a good movie were there...they just didn't pull it off.

Portlandia - Did you read?

Are you watching Portlandia on IFC??? YOU SHOULD BE!

This American Life & SNL Influencing my dreams...

I woke up this morning from the strangest dream.

In the dream I went to a party.  It was at like a bookstore?  There were dark, wooden bookshelves lining all the walls and nooks and crannies with tables and chairs in which to get lost.  As I entered the party I found one nook where Seth Myers from SNL was hanging out with Ira Glass the host This American Life and Jonathan Goldstein, a contributor to This American Life.  I walked into the nook and immediately noticed that Seth was wearing these ridiculous Ed Hardy-like, grafittied jeans.  I smirked at him (because in the dream we were old friends and I was allowed to make fun of him) and said, sarcastically, "Nice pants." He rolled his eyes and said, darkly, "Thanks, Jonathan gave them to me." So I looked at Jonathan with a look that said, "Really?  Really Jonathan? Those are the most ridiculous pants I've ever seen!" At that exact moment, David Rakoff, another This American Life contributor walked up to us and without missing a beat from when Seth said, "Thanks, Jonathan gave them to me," I clapped David on the shoulder and said, "Speaking of Jonathan Goldstein, has everyone read David Rakoff's new book?"  This was apparently the funniest thing in the world for me to say.  Like it was some kind of bizarre inside joke and Ira started busting out laughing, you know in that cute Ira Glass laugh that he has?  In that moment what I had said was totally brilliant and funny and I was the hit of that party.  So in the dream I of course quickly walked away from them before my brilliant and funny moment could be tainted by the next unbrilliant and unfunny moment.

Weird dream, huh?  But when I woke up I felt the brilliant and funny feeling from the dream!  It was good!  I liked that feeling!  I wished I could hold onto it, which is why I immediately scribbled down this dream so I wouldn't forget it.  It sure doesn't retain it's brilliance and humor as I typed it up here.  Oh well, such is the stuff of dreams....

The Best Golden Globes 2011 GIFs

Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield being all cute.

Megan Fox being all scary.

Lea Michelle being all fake.

Mila Kunis and Emma Stone being all wacky.

Chris Colfer being all shocked and kissed by girls.

And finally....RDJ smiling all smarmily at Emma Stone.

(If these don't seem to be working all on the same page, please click each one individually to see the magic.)

The Beauty of Mad Men #20

Season 4, Episode 2, "Christmas Comes But Once a Year"

Subversia - Book Review

SubversiaSubversia by D.R. Haney

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was lucky enough to meet Duke Haney once at a party at a mutual friend's house in L.A. I remember immediately liking him and after reading this book of his personal essays I now understand why. How could you not like someone who can write about their own life with such honesty and humor and depth? There is no pretension in Duke's stories even though the life he's led would allow for some. Reading this was like talking to Duke at that party. He's just a cool guy, a nice guy, telling you a bit about himself until suddenly you find yourself completely drawn in and fascinated and you want to just let him keep talking, keep entertaining you. As I read this collection, each story I finished became my favorite story. They all feel very immediate even though some take place over twenty years ago. But if I had to choose my favorites I think they would be Cutty Sarked for it's hilarious honesty, That's What I've Been Trying to Tell You for it's tragedy, beautifully expressed and The Right Profile because I myself once had an obsession with Montgomery Clift.

So, thanks Duke. Keep telling your stories. I'll keep reading them.

View all my reviews


Tommy Hilfiger Girls Beach Bedding Black Tropical Pineapple Print Comforter bedspread duvet cover Set


In all my bedroom decorating endeavors, I've never been overly impressed with black girls bedding sets. Solid black comforters and bedspreads just seemed to clash with (most, but we won't talk about the goth girls) my clients' teen and tween girls sunny, cheerful personalities. Black faux fur and microsuede bedding sets have a tendency to overpower even the brightest accent colors and decorations and absorb all of the natural as well as the artificial lighting the girls' rooms.

But I may have found a black girls bedding set that will satisfy a young girl's need for dark colored bedding. Granted, this set of Tommy Hilfiger girls bedding is not solid black but it does have a black background which should count for something. The tropical print fabric removes or at the very least offsets the dark color and makes for a very exotic bedding set. In fact, the dark black really makes those tropical flowers, leaves and pineapples stand out. After seeing so many pictures of bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms and every other room in the home covered in pineapples from back in the 1980s, I never dreamed I would recommend a pineapple print fabric. But I have learned that when decorating it's best never to say never!

Just Kids - Book Review

Just KidsJust Kids by Patti Smith

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Patti Smith's Just Kids is the best book I read in 2010. It's possibly the best book I've read in the last five years. In telling the story of her relationship with artist Robert Mapplethorpe, Patti illuminates for the world what it means to be an artist, a friend, a lover, and a musician. Not what it means in general, but what it means TO HER. In doing so she tells fascinating, magical, poetic, passionate, charming, heartbreaking, ecstatic, romantic, whimsical, and unbelievable stories of New York City and its eclectic inhabitants, its cherished neighborhoods, and its institutions like Max's Kansas City and the Chelsea Hotel. I can't even begin to say how much I loved this book. I never wanted it to end. I want everyone in the world to read it. And I hope Patti Smith goes on to write more books because I know she has more stories to tell.

View all my reviews

Happy New Year

I hope that everyone had a great holiday season and a happy new year. Classes started back today at Mississippi State so it is time to get back into the swing of things. I'm teaching three courses this semester, one of which is a new course for me and the department. Sport Biomechanics should be a really fun and exciting class for the students to learn how to apply mechanical principles to sport performance in order to evaluate skills, improve technique, and prevent injury. I'm also teaching Anatomical Kinesiology and Motor Learning, and team teaching a research readings class with two other faculty members. It should be a busy semester but very exciting. The picture on the left is from a 4D ultrasound taken last week. My wife Amy and I are very excited for the arrival of Cameron Charles Knight (Cameron and Charles are both family names) this March. I might even be able to use him in my Motor Development class in the Fall!!

My Top 10 Films of 2010 - Finally

Black Swan - Natalie Portman absolutely deserves the Oscar she will most likely get.

Shutter Island - I think Shutter Island actually did a MUCH better job at what Inception was TRYING to do. If that makes any sense. Plus the art direction and score are phenomenal.

The Kids Are All Right - Annette Bening is getting all the raves for this one, but can we please talk about Julianne Moore? For me her performance was the much more heartbreaking and honest of the two.

Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part One - I'm dreading saying goodbye to Harry, Hermione, and Ron. This film has perfectly set us up for the final film and showed us what's really at stake in their world. Oh, and the animation sequence that explained the Deathly Hallows was gorgeous.

True Grit - I didn't care much for No Country For Old Men so was leery about seeing another Coen Brothers film but I'm sure glad I didn't miss this. Roger Deakins is a brilliant cinematographer and this film is like a showcase of everything he can do. And how fantastic was Barry Pepper??? Despite the upper echelon of actors in this film, Barry was able to steal every scene in which he appeared, which was unfortunately too few. And I can't wait to see what that Hailee Steinfeld does next.

The King's Speech - Colin Firth is doing some of the best work of his life. I wanted him to win the Oscar last year for A Single Man. He just might take it this year. What truly amazed me about this film is that director Tom Hooper was able to garner so much tension and anticipation on the simple act of a man giving a speech.

Never Let Me Go - I'm saddened by how much Mark Romanek's film was overlooked by the general public. It's a devastatingly beautiful and intellectually profound piece of art.

Nowhere Boy - Another overlooked gem. Who da thunk that boy from Kick Ass could exhibit a range that would include this searing portrait of the young John Lennon?

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - This is the one movie this year that I've found myself watching over and over and over again. It was practically ignored in the theaters but is destined to be a cult classic on DVD. Funny, clever, rocking. I love it.

The Social Network - Yes, yes Jesse Eisenberg (and his penetrating stare) was excellent in this fine Fincher film, but how about that Andrew Garfield? He was the heart of this heartless story and between his performance in this and in Never Let Me Go, I can't wait to see his Spiderman!

The Beauty of Mad Men #19

Season 4. Episode 10, "Hands and Knees"


zebra print bedroom wall painting stripes decorations decor teen girl tween decorating ideas


The bedroom wall that you see in the picture is not the best choice to complement zebra print bedding! Zebra stripes are cool, that goes without saying, but I want you to study the photo carefully and then close your eyes and imagine it beside a queen size zebra bedding set.

That is the best example ever of a decorating faux pas where too much of a good thing is in evidence. The most stunning set of green, purple, hot pink or blue zebra print comforter set would be totally eclipsed by large zebra stripes painted on the walls.

If you must have an accent wall in your bedroom, consider painting it in a funky, bright color that will make your bedding set stand out rather than battle with the zebra print bedding for attention.

It's obvious that the bold size of those stripes in the wall painting technique would completely overcome the teen girls bedding and the entire bedroom would be the ultimate loser.

Saturdays with Hedy Lamarr #38

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